Well Versed Woman
Well Versed Woman
How To Maximize Love and Minimize Stress During The Holiday Season
2021 is coming to a close and this will be our last episode of this year! We have a special guest giving tips about gathering with family and friends during this holiday season and how can we maximize the love and minimize the stress that can come this time of year. You won't want to miss a second of this episode.
It's one week before Christmas and I am so excited. I'm jumping out of my skin. I can hardly wait for all those little people to come to my house and experience the joy and the wonder of this amazing holiday season. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. And I love having my whole fit family together under one roof, but we also know it comes with all kinds of other stresses for a lot of us, but it doesn't need to be that way today. We're gonna talk about what God says about what to do when we get together, what to do when we fellowship and commune with each other. We also have a surprise for you, Theresa and I today. So stay tuned. You are gonna wanna hear the surprise. This will be our last episode of 2021. And we want you to experience the best of the best of the well versed woman podcast. Welcome to episode 77 of the well versed woman podcast. I'm Renee teller
Speaker 2:And I'm Theresa Morgan. You know, if you've been with us, all of these episodes, that we are two perfectly imperfect women who love to share the word of God in our testimony of faith with you, so that your walk with the Lord will increase in your faith will
Speaker 1:As well. What we love to share week after week is about a relationship, not about religion, a relationship with our creator, an all powerful, amazing God. But before we start every episode, you probably know this. We try to sit still and actually invite God to sit right next to us during the episode. You too, not just Teresa and I. So we're gonna take 20 seconds. We're gonna take some slow, deep breaths, and we're gonna actually ask God to open our eyes, to see our ears, to hear and our hearts, to listen to what he would share with us today. Those 20 seconds start right now. That's it. That's 20 seconds. I can tell you therea. I needed more than that today. That's for sure those 20 seconds go so quick and I'm gonna encourage you in the new year, set an intention to grow that time, to grow it to 60 seconds before your feet even hit the ground in the morning. Right? Teresa,
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Renee, you know, it's that important time. The fellowship with the holy spirit in the Lord that really, uh, starts to energize our life. It brings us God's direction for the day and it really baths our soul Renee, just like what happened in our retreat over the last three days. Mm.
Speaker 1:I knew you were gonna bring that up. I am still reeling from the three days that Theresa and I got together with other women to come the storm of this chaotic season for so many of us. And it's always been for me and Theresa, I committed this year that I was not gonna allow it, right. I actually, and we actually have to at chaos, it doesn't have to be. And so we decided this group of women that we would get together and we would give God the first part of this busy December month to just be still with him and be at peace and to fellowship, which is what we're talking about today. We actually have our surprise. One of the women that was with us these past few days, Christine Sienna, she is a pastor's wife in a church, three hours from where Theresa and I live. And she came all that way to pour into us. Well, as receive from this beautiful time we had together, Christine, are you there? I
Speaker 3:Am Renee. And didn't, we have an incredible time in the Lord together. How refreshing was that? And, and just how, how it builds and lifts us up when we get together in his
Speaker 1:Name and how we all feel like it really doesn't matter if that it gets wrapped. Or if that red ball was in the exact right place on the Garland. You know, it just, uh, it reminds me because you two know me and you know me well, you know, that I care about where that red ball is on the Garland, how the ribbon looks on the Garland, how the light on the tree and what you being with me reminded me is they're there Renee. None of that is really important. What we did for three days, beginning our day, laying on the floor, under the beautiful tree, right? With the beautiful lights on being still and letting the holy spirit just calm us and give us that silent night, that holy night,
Speaker 2:Right? He and he really did Renee. You know, that draws my attention to what the word says in second Corinthians chapter, uh, 13 verse 14, and the word says the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ in the love of God, in the communion of the holy spirit, be with you all. Amen. You know, that's exactly what happened when we set aside that time, when we spent time in the word of God, when we spent time in prayer, the grace of Jesus, the love of God, the communion with the holy spirit and with one another, just filled that time together so that our soul were refreshed so that we can go out and we can minister to those. The Lord brings us and we can be that conduit of his love that he commands us to be. Mm.
Speaker 1:I love that. And listen, I always say, and, and you know, you've heard people say, look, if I can do it, you can do it too. If Renee can do it, you can do it too. Trust me, because I am the person that worked up until that very last minute, every Christmas Eve, whether it was noon or one o'clock. And by the time Christmas Eve came and Christmas came, I really was so exhausted. I could hardly enjoy the fellowship and the com you know, being with our family and my family and I committed this year. So we can talk Theresa and Christine about what are some of the things that are a result of taking the time like we just did, but also what are some of the things we can be prepared for when the family comes together? So I'm preparing to not be so exhausted, right? Like if I can stop at noon on the 24th and put my, you know, pencil down and say, okay, there's no more time for and decorating. I certainly could do it on the 19th, just as easy couldn't I just make the decision to stop and to enjoy the season.
Speaker 3:That's right. Renee, the most important thing to the Lord is that we are there for one another, that we understand the most important reason for the season, as they say, it's, that Christ came to earth in the form of a baby and then went to the cross and paid for our sins. And then as we do, as we remember that we're going to have more joy as we share with others, as we open our homes, as we're providing that special meal on those special gifts, we remember what the true reason is for, for all of it, and then sharing that with others and, and being there for them in, in a more significant way.
Speaker 2:Christy, I love how you say in a more significant way, because is there anything greater in life than sharing our faith with those that don't need the Lord? You know, what reminds of, um, what happened right when the church first started growing, and we can read all about that in the book of acts. And I love what the Bible says in acts chapter two versus 46 to 47. It says, so continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God in having favor with all the people in the Lord added to the church, those who were being saved, isn't that beautiful. We see here. And, you know, we say, uh, in this podcast that the Bible is a book of patterns and principles for success, longevity of life. But we, when we look here in the, in these two scriptures, we can see that they were in one accord in the temple, they were sharing food, they ate it with gladness, simplicity of heart. They were praising and worshiping God. They were praying. And in that type of atmosphere, God moves and people come to the Lord. You know, there's a beautiful scripture that as that, when, when people see our good works, that they'll know that we're his disciples indeed. And in that way, people ask questions. Why the, our accountants, when we are in that place in the Lord is so bright. And it's exactly what people need really in the world today to see the living, breathing real Jesus Christ that dwells within us so that they can come in into the kingdom as well.
Speaker 1:So true. And what better place to start them with our families? You know, so many of us have big aspirations and big goals, big desires to impact the world, but I'm sure you'll find the scripture Theresa in the Bible where the Lord tells us that there's a, a good orderly direction and a good orderly order, a good order to, to how we do that, right. That we spend our first time Lord. And then we take care of ourselves and our families, our spouses, our children. Then we go from there and I can tell you when I was younger, I, I didn't get that right. I had that flipped upside down on its head until I flipped upside down on my head that we really have to put God first. And that's why, you know, I really, really stress the still time and the quiet time with God, because until I get that, then I can't get the rest of my day in order. So it's, uh, it's very important that God can trust with the 1 0 1 of life, you know, where we're supposed to start. Right.
Speaker 3:Wow, Renee, you nailed it because John 15 five reminds us that he's the vine and we're the branches. And that it says whoever abides in me and I, and him, he, it is that bears much fruit for a part from me. You can do nothing. So you, you know, we need to remember that he, we have to fill up first with him so that we can pour out to others. Mm.
Speaker 2:I love that. I, I do love that. I love my dependence on the Lord because we, in our own human strength, we're imperfect. We're in these fleshly bodies that get tired sometime come down with a sickness, but God who never sleeps nor slumber. The Bible says he is love. He is always ready to minister to people. And when we allow him to live big in us and we're in him, that fruit boy guys, and I know I've been in situations with both of you where, when we minister to one another into others lives change, wow. We are partnering, collaborating, and working with God, but it starts exactly like you were saying, Renee and Christy, it starts let all things be done. Decently in an order first Corinthians 1440 says, so, you know, the order is, and we can see this in Jesus' own life. He drew away from the crowds because he had to spend time with his father in prayer. How much, if the son of God had to do that, who was God in, carnet in the flesh? How much more for us. And that is how we can become the beautiful conduits of his love and help others to come into the kingdom and live prayer, prosper, prosperous, meaningful lives.
Speaker 1:We talked a lot these past few days together about how God is love and what that means. And you know, I'm sure everybody listening right now would all raise their hand. If we threw out the question and we were on a video come and said, um, raise your hand. If you think the world could use more love, it sounds silly, right? What would we be saying today? How many people who would not raise their hand? Right? Which means since God is love, we need more of God. We need more of God in each of us individually, like you said, Christy so eloquently so that we can pour out to others. The thing I love to say about the airplane ride, put your own oxygen mask on first, because left to the old Renee and the way I tried to do it in my own strength, I was depleted and exhausted all the time. And I actually now refuse to do that. It's so funny. I have a little ring that I wear and, uh, on my finger that tracks my rest and my sleep and my restoration. And I download it. And if I don't get enough sleep, I go right back to bed. I just will not violate this idea of stillness and rest and being with God first.
Speaker 3:Wow. Renee, that reminds me of the scripture that says be still and know that I am God, the Lord knows. We need to hear that. We're always running to Andro. There's always somebody that needs us something that has to be done. And unless we say no, that's it. I'm, I'm not moving Lord until I'm I'm with you or have that time. We won't do it. Right. It'll be robbed. That time will be robbed from us very easily, especially this time of year. Right.
Speaker 2:So true. Christy, you know, the, uh, verse you mentioned is from, so chapter 46, verse 10, be still and know that I am God. I love that because it's in those still moments when we can quiet our full lash, quiet our soul commune with our heavenly father in the holy spirit, that resides in us what a beautiful privilege that we Christians do have because as the author of the universe, the author of our lives, the author and finisher of our faith, we have an opportunity to every day, as Jesus did, to pull away, to commune with our father so that we can come back and live stable lives so that we're not all crazed with the season. And with the details that life always brings to us, you know, I've had situations where people wondered, how can you be so calm during a situation? And I tell them, because I know the truth of God's word. I know Roman's 8 28 says that he's working out all things together for my good. So it's in those moments, knowing the truth of God's word, knowing what he's done for me in the past and remembering all those beautiful times, he's rescued me out of situations. It's those times that bring rest in the current day so that others can be calmed as well. You know, I'm thinking of a young man here at work that I was ministering to. And once he got a hold of the truths of God's word count and started changing, you know, faith does that ladies, doesn't it. When we know that we know that our God is at work, loving us, growing us up, bringing us to a place of calmness, boy, that's real true
Speaker 3:Prosperity. You know, I think that sometimes the ladies listening might say, wow, that's therea and that's Renee. They're, they're just so, uh, spiritual, or they've been walking with the Lord so long and who am I? But the Lord loves, he's got a place for each of us, whether we're brand new in Christ today or, or a year ago or whatever, just that time alone with him. It's just like he says, come as a little child. We don't need to be a scholar in biblical versus to be his child to come before him in prayer and, and pouring our hearts out before him and him filling us up to go and show the love of prayer. So you don't need any degree for that. And I love that he meets each one of us, no matter where we're at in our walks with the Lord. Mm
Speaker 2:Christy. I, you know, I'm thinking about, especially, you know, pastoring, a church with your husband, you have such beautiful testimony of people that really were in despair or perhaps head of sickness and to watch God turn those types of situations around. And of course, when you pastor a church, you see more of it, um, just has to be so refreshing and Christy. I know when I'm with you, that that faith that you carry from watching God in everybody's life is so refreshing that in your testimonies, uh, Christy and I spent a lot of time during those three days, just sharing in the past what God has done for us and our family members and things we've seen and witnessed. And that brought my faith to new places as well. And,
Speaker 3:And Theresa that reminds us right of Hebrews 10, 24 and 25 of not neglecting to meet together. How important is that that scripture reminds us because we do need to build one another up. We do need to be there for each other. And, and we found that out in a special way, over these three days, just reminding us again of special needs within the group that we met and, and certain things they were going through. I wouldn't have known to pray for this lady with what she's going through. And it, it is just such a beautiful thing. Isn't it? It's what God designed us to do to carry each other's burns to pray for one another and to build one another up in the Lord.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Renee. I'm so grateful that you hosted that the, these last three days, it truly was exceptional and refreshing.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're welcome. And, you know, selfishly, I have to say, you know, I needed you guys. And it was exactly what the doctor, Dr. God ordered. It was just beautiful, but it reminds me what you said Christy of about, we need to lift each other up and we spend some time talking about, and we wanna share with everyone listening, what can you do this holiday season? If you have stressful situations, or if there are things that don't always go, what you would consider perfectly. And just what you said, Christine, about lifting each other up. What if we all went into this holiday season with the one simple mindset of how can I lift them up or help them carry their burden or even know what their burden is, which is really what love is all about. Right.
Speaker 2:You know, it sure is. I love the scripture in Romans eight verse 15 that says, you know, we've been given a spirit by which we can cry out of a father. So, you know, I would, um, recommend to our listeners that even in tough situations, you know, people might be thinking, oh, you don't know my family, right. Or boy, I have an uncle and boy, it it's hard. He just, you know, grinds on my nerve, but we can always in the stillness of our minds, cry out to God and say, ah, but daddy help me with uncle. So, and Soer help me in this season, help me be a good conduit of your love, help me to respond differently, knowing that everybody has a story. And, um, perhaps in that moment, God will show up. Not even perhaps, but he will. When, whenever we cry out in faith, he shows up and, um, be beautiful. Things begin to happen. When that occurs. I
Speaker 1:Always say it takes two people to argue or fight. And if it's happening on one end, but I stop myself and don't allow it on the other, then there's nobody to argue or fight with. Right. And it's hard. It's hard for me because I am a fighter. And I, I do want to get points across that. I believe in, especially with things I believe in, but I'll tell you, you know, call it, come wisdom, coming with age. I've really learned to try to just be quiet, you know, just be quiet and be still and listen. Mm.
Speaker 2:So, so true Renee, you know, I, I know we're coming toward the end of our podcast today. And at the very end, I think I would really, I it's on my heart to pray the love chapter, if you will, for all of us as we end this year so that we can ask the Lord to be and walk in that tight of love. The agape love that that God does walk in, you know, being the ones that carry his anointing and carry his presence. I know it, it is possible perhaps not perfectly, but it is possible.
Speaker 1:No, that's, that's just perfect Theresa. And it reminds me maybe it's because my 25th anniversary is coming up to my wonderful husband, Peter 25 years. But first John four, seven and eight, where the word says we love because he, God first loved us. And we actually had those printed on our favors that we gave out to everyone when we got married, because we knew Peter and I beyond a shadow of a doubt that the love we shared between each other was solely because God first loved us. God, first forgave us, God first showed us, you know, his love. And so when we talk and Christine, you mentioned this, like people look at Christine is a pastor's wife and Theresa who studied the word so many years. And so fervently that. Wow, well, I can't be that. What we know beyond a shadow of a doubt is this love is nothing that we did we love because God first loved us. And it's one of the most beautiful scriptures in the Bible, I think.
Speaker 2:Hmm. So very true. Chrisy I wanna say thank you so much. I think it's just beautiful. Our, this being our last podcast of the year to have you on such a, such a special treat for Renee and for me and for the listeners. Thank you. Did
Speaker 1:I mention that Christine is my baby sister? I don't even think I got that out. So I'm like a very proud, big sister. Love her to pieces. She's my, my go you girl, when I need a lot of things. So thank you, honey. It really appreciate you.
Speaker 3:Oh, thank you for having me. It's such a blessing what you guys do weekend and week out to bring encouragement in the word of God, to women, to just remind them of how good God is and how, how much strength that we have in coming together and in hearing word together, how it builds us up. I love what you guys do and I'm, I was blessed to be a part of it today. I just wanna share one scripture in the end here, just cuz it feel like it's reminding me of what each of you ladies have shared today. First Peter four eight says above all, keep loving one, another earnestly or fervently since covers a multitude of sins. So as I was thinking, as we get together for the holidays and this, you know, sometimes like there said with family members and stuff, just remember just keep loving, cuz that love covers a multitude of sins or imperfections and it just will give God much glory as we do that. So we trust him in wow.
Speaker 2:A beautiful Chrissy. Thank you. I think I'm ready to pray ladies. Uh, so father, we thank you and we praise you. Oh, you're just so good. Lord. Your love of bounds, your grace of bounds. I thank you that your word says that grace and truth came in the person of Jesus Christ. I love that Lord. I, I thank you that you came to save us. I thank you father. As we receive you as a gift as John one 12 says to as many as receive you, you give them eternal life. So today father, I just pray during the holidays and thereafter that we would walk in a gape love father, as you are love, help us Lord Romans five five says the love of God has been shut abroad in our hearts by Christ Jesus father. I pray, especially during this holiday season that our love would suffer long and would be kind. I pray that our love would not envy that our love would not parade itself would not be puffed up, would not behave rudely. I pray father, that type of love would be ours. That does not seek its own is not provoked or thinks no evil. I think if father God, that we do not rejoice an inequity, but we rejoice in the truth. I thank you and ask that that type of love would be ours and spades so that, that love. And we could bear all things, believe all things, hope, all things endure all things because I thank you. Your love never fails Lord. So today we give you all the praise and glory. We thank you for are coming as a baby in the manger to save us. Lord, I pray father, if those are those who are listening that do, do not know you. I pray today, father, they would take time out and invite you into their hearts to be Lord and savior. And I just thank you for the greatest gift of all your son, Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus. And everybody said,
Speaker 1:Amen.<laugh> amen. Amen. So Theresa, just remind our listeners the chapter and verse. And let me just say what Theresa just did we call praying the scriptures? So you actually can, oh, look up this scripture yourself and do what Theresa just did. Sit alone with God and pray the scripture from the Bible that Theresa just prayed and she just inserted personal things within that. And we've done this before in previous episodes. So go back and listen to those and Theresa that was from Corinthians, correct?
Speaker 2:It was Renee first Corinthians 13 versus four through eight. Perfect.
Speaker 1:But we also have, if you've been listening a very favorite foundational scripture that we use for the well versed woman, what is that?
Speaker 2:Theresa? Absolutely. Romans chapter 10 verse 17. Faith comes by hearing and
Speaker 1:Hearing by the
Speaker 2:Word of God. Amen.
Speaker 1:Amen. Oh my gosh. You guys are just adorable. So thank you for, for listening. We appreciate it more than you know, and it's very encouraging for us to hear from you so that we know that you're enjoying this or that you have questions. We have a couple of ways you can do that. Please subscribe to this podcast. You can go on to rate and review it and you do. We have a gift. We send you a journal right in the mail, the old fashioned snail mail. So go ahead, subscribe, rate, and review. You can also join us by looking up on Facebook well-versed woman and asking to join that group. And we'll put you in that well-versed woman, Facebook group, where you can interact with us, ask questions, post things we'd love to hear from you last but not least in this podcast show notes, which are on every podcast. If you listen to others, our show notes are scriptures. They're the scriptures that Theresa brought to our attention. In each episode, you can click on the details on your favorite platform, scroll down and you'll find the show notes. You can print them. I love to put them on my mirror and recite them until the next podcast comes out a week later and you get a whole new set of scriptures. So stay tuned for next year. We can't wait for 2022. All that God would have us share with you. Thank you so much for listening. We love you. Bye.