Well Versed Woman
Well Versed Woman
When Is It Good To Be A Follower?
Today we look at one of the most well-known verses of all time, the Lord is my Shepard. What does that really mean and how does it apply to our lives? Knowing the one who actually created the Universe makes it easy to be a follower. The number of scriptures that point to all the benefits of following the Creator gives us comfort about where to find peace! Once again, we can find the true meaning and intention in the words God gave us. In the next 3 episodes, co-hosts Renée and Theresa will break down this very popular Psalm 23.
Wow. Am I excited about today? We are going to talk about what I think is one of the most famous scriptures in the Bible. Many may not even know that it is in the Bible, but it is a scripture. I hear even in Hollywood, in many, many movies, you'll hear this scripture. I wonder if you know what it is, stay tuned because this week we're going to crack it open. And we're going to explain a lot more about it than you ever heard at the movies.
Speaker 2:Welcome to episode 60 of the well-versed woman podcast. I'm Renee teller and I'm Theresa Morgan. You see Renee and I come to you week after week to perfectly imperfect women to share our faith and our life's journeys with you in a practical way in hopes that your faith can grow to. And what is practical is a relationship that we have with an all powerful God, our creator, and we want you to have that relationship too. So each week we plug into him, we plug into that creator by being still for 20 little seconds before every episode. And actually during that time, take some slow, deep breaths and invite God to be with you, to open your eyes, open your ears and open your heart to what he'd have you learned today. Those 20 seconds are going to start right now. So be very, still take some slow deep breaths. Here we go. That's it. That's 20 seconds. And that is so refreshing to me every time I do it, even, I don't understand why I don't do it more. So I encourage you to take even 20 seconds, several
Speaker 1:Times, times a day, set that little alarm right on those phones that are attached to our hips and be still for 20 seconds, five times a day. It'll change everything in your day. But back to this famous scripture tree saw, I know that there's few people that haven't heard this before. And most of the time it's during a sad situation, isn't it? It really is Renae. And of course, we're talking about Psalm 23. You know, how many times do we hear that? Som especially at funerals, as you said in movies in, we are, it's like, this is really exciting for me. We are going to take apart line by line in an exposition way. We're going to look at Psalm 23. Today is part one of three. And we're going to look at the scriptures in this Psalm verses one through three a. So I'm going to introduce it here. And it says, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want, he makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters he restores my saw. Wow, just love this. I love, love this song. You know, Jesus spoke to the people of that time who were agrarian. They cultivated land. They also were sheep tenders. So much of the Bible is taught in natural terms to explain spiritual truths, Renee. So God is saying in these first few verses that he, the great I am, the Lord himself, wants to be our shepherd. That is an amazing and amazing truth. The God of this universe he has magnanimous is he is, is all powerful. Is the creator wants to shepherd us human beings here on earth, Renee. Isn't that an amazing fact? It is. It is. And that idea of shepherd is more foreign to us than it is to most people. But take me one step back, further Tressa. Why do you think like seriously, isn't it true? Even in movies, when there's a funeral scene, you'll hear this. You'll, you'll hear this scripture. I've seen it so many times. And I think that it's a confession for the people at the funeral, that the person who has passed had the Lord as the shepherd. But I have to tell you that it kind of makes me sad when I hear it, because I think of that. I remember as a little girl losing my grandfather and hearing that and saying, what do you mean? I shut that wad. I mean, right now I want my grandpa to be alive. Yes. Yeah, no. True. In when we look at a Webster's Dixon dictionary, very simply, you know, as the word shepherd, it's one who guides or directs in a particular direction. And when one understands the position in the purpose of a shepherd in natural terms to guide the sheep, to ward off from the animals, the wolves that would like to get it, the sheep, the shepherd is the one who has to green pasture. The shepherd is the one who has to find good water. Um, so that the sheep's natural physical sustenance can be maintained. When you understand that the Shepherd's sole purpose is to care for his flock to tend his flock. When you understand that when one escapes, he pens up the ones that are together and goes looking for that one sheep, when you understand the depth of care that the shepherd takes in the commitment, you start to understand our great shepherd. Jesus. It's amazing. The Bible has a lot to say about the Lord being our, our caretaker. If you will. I love that in Philippians, the Bible says that in my God shall supply all your need. According to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus now to our God and father be glory forever and ever that's Philippians chapter four verses 19 through 20 Renee. He wants to be our supplier. He supplies all of our need, emotional need, physical need, financial need. He is our protector. Everything that we need here on earth to be prosperous and successful, the God of the universe wants to provide. Isn't that wonderful? It's so true. Teresa, it's so true. And I've learned to rely on him and let him be my shepherd. I think some of it as well is we have to learn to let God be our shepherd for me. And I remember again, hearing this of funerals. He makes me to lie down in green pastures and I would pick to myself, I don't lie down. I don't ever lie down. I don't sit still. And as you know, from my journey in these, you know, more recent decade, we'll call it. He is doing just that. He's teaching me to lie down in green pastures and be still in him and learn from him. It's in that stillness. Like we do 20 seconds before every episode that we can truly hear this side, this, this other world for, for lack of a, a better description, meaning the spirit world where God resigns. And so like you're saying Theresa, the Lord is my shepherd. God is my shepherd. He makes me lie down in green pastures without me tapping into that stillness. I don't lie down for anything. And so it's that whole idea of tapping into our creator, right? That's so true. And I'm glad you brought that up because God is a gentleman, right? We've said that before he knocks on our doors, but as a very good gentleman, he waits for us to open the door, look to him. You know, faith is all about putting our trust in God, right? It really is a very simple definition, but one could say, oh my goodness, I don't put my faith and trust in anyone until they prove themselves, right? This God, he's there in his, we walk with him over time. We understand what the Bible truly says about his majesty, about his intellect and about his love for us. He is the creator of all things. Let's listen to what the Bible has to say in the book of Colossians chapter one verses 15 to 17. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation for, by him. We're talking about Jesus Christ for, by him. All things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things and in him, all things exist. He is not only the creator of the universe, but he's the creator of life itself. He's the creator of human beings. And so Renee, why wouldn't we want to go to the manufacturer if you, well, I think of, you know, when you buy an automobile, be it, you know, uh, maybe a less expensive or a really expensive model. Don't you want to go to the owner's manual, right? You go to the place that will tell you all of the instruction you need. So that, that auto runs smoothly in life. Well, how much more so to be human beings want to go to the cost during the creator of life to get our natural sustenance, to be led by him. It's such a beautiful, beautiful truth that Renee, frankly, you and I live by and we have seen his hand move in our life. We have seen him bring us out. I'll talk about me. I've seen him bring me to a place of brokenness in my soul to a place of wholeness. I've seen him guide my finances, my health, my every step in ministry. I've seen this creator be interested in me that I'm at a place in my life where I can truly say Renee, I'm feeding on green pastures and I'm drinking from clear water. It's so great, Teresa. And again, I think about others that haven't had that experience yet. And I'm going to use that word yet. And this idea of this podcast as to how important the words are, that are on the page and even physics is proving today, the power of words, God put it in motion. That God is the word. The word is God. And this the words on this page, we can't stress enough CISA which is the foundation of the whole podcast. Well-versed woman, to understand the words on the page. And if you haven't experienced this deep relationship, that Teresa just articulated so beautifully, if you haven't experienced that yet, my guess is you haven't had a chance to spend enough time on these words, and that's what we try to do here. So go ahead, get a good Bible. I love that passion translation. You can get everything on Amazon today. Not that I'm promoting Amazon necessarily, but if you need it quick, that's the quickest way. And this is the best thing to get there and get in these words and, and challenge God to speak to your heart. I love you also said in the beginning, Theresa, of what you were just explaining, God is a gentleman. He is going to be there and wait for you. I think about my husband, Peter, who waited for me for five years because I wasn't ready to get married again. And he was just there. He was just there when I reached out and when I didn't reach out, he was a gentleman and he just stood back. And that's how God is. It's such a great example to me that he will wait for us. So make the move, take the time to be still take the time to listen to these words. As Theresa says, to read the manual for our, our creator, our creation, we are the creation of God. And this is the manual, like the car creation or the CA manual. I should say, read this manual. And you will see right, Theresa seek and you will find that's very Renee. He is the truth bear, or, you know, he came to the world. You referenced John chapter one verse one, which I just love in the beginning was the word, meaning Jesus Christ. And the word was with God. And the word was, God, he wasn't the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without him, nothing was made that was made. So Renee, we have the creator here. We have the creator. So loving all of us human beings that he came to her earth and he came to earth to fulfill a mission. He is our good shepherd. And we see in John ver uh, excuse me, John chapter 10, verses 11 through 15. The Bible says I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep, but a higher out, a higher Lange who is not the shepherd one who does not own the sheep, sees the Wolf coming and Lees leaves the sheep and flees. And the Wolf catches the sheep and scatters the hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. Now here's Jesus Christ. I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep and I am known by my own as the father knows me even. So I know the father and I laid down my life for the sheep. Jesus Christ came. He laid down his life. He sh his blood was shed for our sins. And when we invite him in Renee, when we invite him in to be Lord and savior of our lives, boy, his shepherding task goes to work in the most magnificent of ways. You know, the Bible, the Bible says in John chapter one, verse 12, to as many as receive him, he gives them the right to become children of God. So we go back to that gentleman that God is knocking on the doors of my heart to say, here's your invitation to let me in, let me be your shepherd. I died to reconcile you back to the father. And as the Bible says that there is one way to the father that no man comes to the father except through Jesus. So, you know, he is the shepherd. He's the doorkeeper always inviting us to come in and to sup with him to enjoy green pastures and still waters and enjoy we do. Don't we Theresa enjoying green pastures and still waters. I have so learned to revel in that and to be at peace and to rest in his beautiful arms. So many times when you and I pray, it's this visual of crawling up and getting the biggest hug we could ever get from God himself, right? And just resting in that big hug with those big arms wrapped around us. I love that part too, of this Teresa, where he, he makes us lie down in green pastures and restores our soul. So many times we've had our souls restored after we've bumped into something big on this planet. Teresa, my goodness, Renee, you know, I think one of the hardest things that a human being can go through is divorce. You and I have both experienced it. And he led us through so beautifully. He restored those areas that needed restoration after an experience like that, um, he truly is the good shepherd. And I can say, and I know Renee, you could also go that he has led us into the abundant life that he promised us in John, again, we'll go back to John chapter 10, verses nine and 10. It says, I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, to kill and destroy. I have come that, that they may have life in that they may have it abundantly. You know, that abundant life is a place that God leads you to. So I guess we could rephrase that in, in, it could read. I have come that they may have life in that they may have it beside green pastures and still waters. I don't think there is an area in my life that I haven't invited the Lord into where he hasn't come in, rearranged in such a beautiful way that now I have life in abundance in every area of my soul, my finances, my relationships, my ministry, my calling, the work that I do day in, day out. It's a fruitful, abundant life that has meaning has purpose in that is led by my good shepherd. And it's not to say that, you know, I think so many people when they decide, okay, I'm going to this sounds great. I want this invite God into their life. And then think that this is magic, right? It's a relationship. It's a spiritual relationship with our creator. And it comes with all the bumps and bruises that Teresa and I talk about week after week. But as you grow, as you mature, as you get through those experiences, things begin to change, trace a right. It's, it's this idea that we have to come into deep, deep fellowship and relationship with our God where we're inviting him in every single day. If we cease to do that, that's what that's when my life gets bumpy. Those times that I think things are going great. And, oh my gosh, I think I forgot to pray for the last month or whatever, you know, before I got more mature in my walk and mature in my relationship, just like with Peter, right? Just like in a good marriage, where in the beginning, things are a little bumpy until the relationship grows to a level where each party understands what they need to do to really enhance and fulfill on a beautiful longterm lifelong marriage. And it takes time. It's the same with our God tree. So, so we're living in a position or in a place right now in our lives where we let God know that we were serious. We were serious about this relationship with him. And we were going to continue to invite, continue to ask him into every crevice of our life. I think that's what has happened with me is really every crevice of my life, the smallest of things, the tiniest little tick that I found on my chest this morning, I was gardening all day yesterday and there set this and it was so small. I said to Theresa, it was like a speck, of course, legally the coarse pepper, like it was that tiny, you know, attached. And it was the first, the first order of defense, even before I got on the phone with Teresa was to pray about that little tick. That's sitting on my chest. Like just everything Theresa we've learned to turn to God. And when we do, when we invite him into every little tiny tick aspect of our lives, he knows that we mean business, that we definitely want him to be the shepherd to be the one that leads us. And all we have to do is follow. I love when I got that. I loved when I got that. So very true. I love that. You talk about Renee. Um, we live from our position in him. You know, the Bible says in acts chapter 17, verse 28 for, in him, we live and move and have our being. Once we come to salvation in Christ, we live from that position. I, I love how you're talking about the nooks and crannies. I think of an English muffin, Renee. And I think about the nooks and crannies of an English muffin. And you know, if you can get it, when it comes right out of the toaster, the butter spreads and permeates all the nooks and crannies in thefts. What we do when we live in, move in, have our being in live from a position in him, day by day through prayer, through reading the word through worship through praise. It's an, it really, it's an immersion into the Christian life where this God, this great shepherd comes in and says, watch where I take. You. Watch the things I correct in your life. Let me heal the maladies in your physical body. And you're so right, Renee. He leads us. Step-by-step he's God. He knows he can't bring us to a place of correction all at once. He leaves us step by step to the green pastures, to the beautiful waters, Psalm 37 verses 23 to 24 says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And he delights in his way. And then listen to this, the followup scripture in verse 24, though, he fall, he shall not utterly. He shall not be utterly cast down for the Lord, upholds him with his hand. So even when we're going on our way, we might fall into a ditch. We might get to a place that the Lord has an intended. We might take a right turn, where the Lord is saying, please go left. But the good shepherd, he continues to look after us to go get us, to bring us back on the path where we continue to be nourished by his day-to-day sustenance. You know, I'm reminded that the Bible says in many places, that man does not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And when you're walking in close fellowship with the Lord, you're always going to be led beside green pastures and still waters. Rene. Yeah. And I love that you brought up that scripture. We are talking a lot about food. So if you're hungry right now, we apologize, but I love that you reminded us. Theresa man does not live by bread alone. Because what that says to me is man cannot live in just their physical body. They cannot just take care of their physical body and not worry about their spirit life. We are spirit and you know, 20 some odd years, my sister and I opened a wellness center because we wanted people to understand the connection of body, mind, and spirit. And man does not live by bread alone. God is reminding us that you can't just eat to feed your physical body. Although it's absolutely necessary. We need to feed our spiritual being because that is who we are. And I often, you know, we've talked about it, Theresa, say, why do we humans spend such little time feeding our spirits and so much time feeding our bodies. Um, but it's because that's what we can see. That's what we can touch. That's what we can feel. And Theresa and I challenge you that, whoa, wait a minute. If you just spend a little bit of time, you can touch and feel and see God working. We pray before every episode, open our eyes to see our ears, to hear and our hearts, to feel God's presence in every nook and cranny. And we encourage you week after week to do just that. It's so easy today. I remember Theresa in the beginning of my walk. I've never been an avid book reader. I confess, I always read for purpose. And when I would sit in church and listen to people say, you know, you need to be in the word every day. You need to be in the word every day I would do it. I would try to do it. And it would literally be, you know, reading a couple of sentences, not even an entire chapter like that just seemed overwhelming. But today, today we have so many ways to get the word into our souls, the daily audio Bible podcast, where this, uh, gentleman, Brian pastor Brian goes through the Bible in a year. And I've listened to that. Thanks to Theresa giving me that insight back in 2014, I've listened to it every day, since 2014, to just get that word into my system. And it's made all the difference. Theresa was her name. You know, when God's revelation comes into our life, the, you know, the really the Bible, the word is his vocabulary. The more we know it, the more we can communicate with him, right? So the scripture that you referenced was Matthew four, four, a man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and what a beautiful way, that's our Shepherd's guidebook to lead us and keep us in the, in the pen of life, right in his sheep, followed in his sheep pen of life in that abundant life he promised to provide us. So I'm so excited Renee, that we're exploring the Psalm next week. We're going to go into some more verses three and four, and we're going to delve into the Shepherd's deep care, even in a more meaningful way. I still look forward to that. Exactly. Me too. This is a great, great Psalm, even though it does remind me of some sad moments, it's great to break it open in a different way so that we can look at it as beautifully as it is. So tree RESA, what is our foundational scripture of the well-versed woman? Absolutely. Renee Romans 10 17. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by word of God.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening. Bye. Now we love you. Thanks for listening to episode 60, we are going to unpack some 23 over the next three weeks. But before that, we'd love for you to subscribe so that you don't miss the next to subscribe. And in addition, if you rate and review this channel, we will send you a well-versed woman journal right in the mail. We'd love to do that. We also have a community that you can join on Facebook. It's the well-versed woman Facebook page. So ask to join that last, but not least are the show notes, which is the word of God written out. The specific verses that we talk about in each and every episode. So you can download those. You could print them, you can recite them yourself, get them into those molecules of your body until next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Now.