Well Versed Woman
Well Versed Woman
Does Prayer Have The Power To Heal?
July is a birthday month in our house. I love birthdays, but mostly because I allow myself the free day to do nothing, to just sit and relax. How does anyone in my life know that's exactly what I want to do for my birthday? They know because I verbalize it with my words!
How do we know the will of God? The exact same way, with his words! We get to go to the book and we get to see those words. In this week's episode, we will continue the conversation about prayer, healing, and knowing the will of God.
It is birthday month in July in the teller household. I love birthdays, but mostly because I allow myself the free day to do nothing, to just sit and revel. I'm not so much about the gifts or the attention, but how does anybody in my life know that that's my will for my birthday. That's what I want. They know because I verbalize it with my words. We often want to know what the will of God is, and I can assure you, he tells us with his words, we're going to talk about that today. What else do his words mean to us and for us
Speaker 2:Welcome to episode 59 of the well-versed woman podcast. I'm Renee teller
Speaker 3:And I'm Theresa Morgan. You see Renee and I are two perfectly imperfect women. We love to come to you week after week and share our face and our testimonies, his grace in our lives in hopes that your faith will grow
Speaker 2:Too. We love to share this relationship that we have with this big God, because it's this relationship that has brought more peace and joy to our lives. But before we get started, we begin the same way. We know that we need to actually invite God into the space where you are, right this very minute. We want you to close your eyes, take some slow, deep breaths and ask God to be with you, to open your eyes, to see your ears, to hear and your heart, to know when your deepest knower, what he saying today, we'll do this for 20 seconds and they start right now. That's it? That was 20 seconds. And in our busy lives, I know that you probably feel like you'd like more of that and you absolutely can do it when you open it, your eyes
Speaker 1:In the morning, set your stopwatch on your phone for 60 seconds and ask God to direct your day before your feet even hit the ground. I promise it'll change everything. But back to this idea of the will for ourselves that we share, whether it's on birthday or at the holidays, how do we share what we'd like? We do it through our words and Theresa. It's so simple to me to understand that God shares it through his words as well, and his words were written down. So we don't even have to remember it. We get to go to the book and we get to see the words that he's written for the will. And I love what you open with Theresa. The will of God is known by the word of God, right?
Speaker 3:That's absolutely correct Renee. And before I knew the Lord, you know, I could see that there was a God, right? We have to acknowledge the creation itself, speaks volumes that there is a creator that there is an author, but it wasn't until I met the Lord that I started to just get into his word. And from the knowledge of what's in the Bible, I began to uncover the gems in the beauty of the truths of actually what he provided in his death, burial and resurrection. So it was perhaps an introduction that there is God with the things that I saw in life, the beautiful creation, the rivers, the sun, the stars, right. We could go on and on. Um, and it's interesting when I think about that, Renee, because, uh, the book of Romans talks about that. We can all bear witness that a creator exists, but it's not until we delve into the pages of the Bible, that we truly understand what his will is, why he came to her earth, what his death, burial, burial, and resurrection provided and all that is encompassed in the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. And of course, today, we're going to talk about one of those redemptive qualities or items, if you will, which is healing.
Speaker 1:Yeah. We talked last week, a lot about healing and it's so important today. There's so much out there not dementia. And the recent pandemic we all went through, but there are so many ailments out there. So many of us with minor issues or major issues. So we would like to take two whole episodes on this subject. If you didn't hear last week, go ahead and listen to that. And then step into this one or vice versa. Doesn't matter which way you go. But as Theresa is articulating the will of God is known by the word of God. So we're going to dive into the word specifically about healing scriptures, because Christ is the healer and his word is the medicine that Treece. And I go to first, whenever we have anything, we might continue beyond that, right, Theresa. But we always come back and start with what the word of God has to say about anything we're dealing with.
Speaker 3:That's absolute correct. I have come to know actually Renee and I both have come to know God's healing hand. You know, the Bible has much to say about God wanting us to achieve victory, right? There is a scripture which I love Renee first Corinthians 1557 that says, thanks. Be to God. He always gives us the victory. So when I set my sights on physical healing, I leave the doors open for how God wants to bring my physical healing. But I set my sights on his word that says, he's going to bring us victory. I set my sights on the word that says, for instance, in Exodus 23, 25, so you shall serve the Lord, your God, and he will bless your bread and water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. I love Proverbs four verses 20 to 22 Renee. It says, my son give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart for they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. Wow. We could look at that and we could say figuratively as well as literally that verse is for all of us who believe he is healer. And so practically when I need sickness in my body, I know God is my healer. And I go to him and I say, father, I need healing. Of course, he already knows because he lives within me. Right? He knows. And he knows the human body because he made it. So I go to him and I say, Lord, I pray for healing, right? In Zen. I am patient to see how he wants to bring about that healing and boy, Renee, you and I could be here for probably weeks. Just giving testimony to how God brings that those healings about aunt many times, most times it's with a lesson it's with a learning lesson of who he is. And we take from that. And now, yes, after a period of time, we get our healing in. Then we can encourage others. I love the blessings of God because they come to us to bless us, but they also come to us to bless others.
Speaker 1:So true. Teresa, there is so much packed. We could spend the rest of this episode on that scripture and what you just said. And I'd love to point out what the word says again, in Proverbs four 20 to 22, my son give attention to my words, give attention. We're supposed to be paying attention to the words that are written here. Theresa incline our ear to his sayings. So really intently. Get this. I'd like to say in my molecules, in the cells of my body, do not let them depart from our eyes. Like keep staring at the words on the page, keep them in the midst of our heart, for the words, our life, their life, to those who find them and health to our flash. That is so powerful. And then you went on to talk about how, when we get healed, it is for us. And it's a lesson for us and you and I have learned so much from the various health trials that we've been through on so many levels. But I think most importantly, we learned about the bigness of this God that we have a relationship with. And then the second piece, which is, that's how it brings glory to him. I think about what you said, and you said, of course he knows that I need healing because he lives in me. So then some white argue, well then why do you have to ask if God knows everything? Then what? Well, the why ladies and gentlemen is because he wants the glory. He wants the testimony. He wants these physical things here on earth to be evidence of the glory of this big God, to be the evidence of what we can't see in the spirit world with this God. And so when things are manifested through our taking action, in other words, asking God, in other words, studying his word. In other words, meditating on his word by us taking an action. He can then answer our prayer, manifest his healing power and get the glory, get the glory so that we can have some easy way Teresa, for us to share his power with other people. If we just talk about him CISA and we don't really have any evidence, it's hard in our humanness. It's hard in our physical world to perhaps believe or understand, but when healing manifests itself, physically, that's something we humans can all relate to. Don't you think?
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Renee, you know, as I was listening to you and I love all of the points you're making, because they are spot on, we need to be intentional about God's word. We need to get it into our hearts and our souls. His will is healing for all, for all he is healer. Um, and I love to remind myself by reading the gospel accounts of this beautiful God, man, Jesus Christ, who walked the earth and healed for instance, Matthew chapter four, verses 23 and 24, listen to this and let it minister to your heart. And remember what I'm talking when I'm, when I say this scripture, remember Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrew says is the same yesterday, today and forever. But Matthew chapter four verses 23 to 24, says in Jesus, went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing, all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. Wow, that's Jesus, his heart of compassion and love. Then his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought to him all sick people who were afflicted with various disease and torments, and those who were demon possessed, epileptics paralytics. And he healed them. Wow. He healed them all. And that was the demonstration. When he walked the earth of who he is, his love and concern for people. I mean, we eat God promises and other places in his word that he wants to satisfy us with not only long life, Rene, but a good long life. So we want to, um, be here on earth and we want health in our physical bodies. We want to be able to navigate planet earth, uh, healthy, joyful. And, uh, as you said, bring him all the glory. So when a practically, when I think about practically, how you and I go about healing, you know, I, I think about, we know we need healing in our body, through the symptoms that come or through visiting a physician, thank God for the natural medicines and the doctors and physicians that are gifted to bring healing to the natural man. But I know, uh, then after the diagnosis is made, I go, I go to the Lord and I say, father, I acknowledge you are healer. And so I pray for wisdom to bring the healing to my body in, wow. Sometimes I've seen natural healings, almost instantaneous, but more times than not. I see God work his healing either through the hands of physicians, through medications, or I see him teach me about how to live better, how to eat better, what to, what to put in my body so that the body itself will do its natural immunity and heal itself. So again, it has to do with seeing what God's will is in his word. And I've come to the place where make no mistake about it in my life. Key is healer, but then I ask him for the wisdom to obtain the victory of healing in my body.
Speaker 1:It's all about tree. So the action that we take, and again, reminding me to be still enough to hear him be still enough, to pray and ask for the wisdom and then listen, and pay attention to what he puts in our path. I think back when you first were diagnosed with your tumor, we had talked some about natural healing and about food as medicine and all those things. So by the time you had the tumor, you prayed, you asked for wisdom what stirred in your heart was this idea of calling Renee and saying, gee, can you tell me more about that? Can you tell me more about how the food I'm eating can actually aid in the healing of my body and, oh, by the way, can you tell me about the place that you went to learn all that and to actually experience that for yourself at that particular time? I just love the way God works because every minute of every day he is putting things in front of our path. Hard job is to open those eyes and those ears and that heart, like we pray before every episode Theresa, to be sure that we don't miss what he might have for us.
Speaker 3:That's very true. And again, we're talking about knowing the will of God. We're talking about understanding that he is healer, that he has the power to heal. That he's all knowledgeable, right? All of the Omnis omnipresent, omniscient, um, Napoleon, we're talking about God. So once we settle that in our minds that he is God and he has the knowledge and he will bring about his will for healing in our lives. Then we set our course on faith. We turn the dial to, and I'm thinking of, you know, my washing machine, right? Every day we, we throw a load in and are they delicate? Are they the delicates? Is it, is it a quick, uh, quick cycle I need, is it heavy towels? So when I need healing or anything else in life for that matters, I set my, the dial of my faith to what his word says, the knowledge that I know about my God, I set the dial on the victory and then I allow him to be God in my life can bring about that healing. It is his will. So Renee I'm reminded of the prayer that Jesus introduced in Matthew chapter six. And it's the, our father prayer that so many of us know, listen to these words. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but listen to the words, uh, starting in verse eight, if I do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him in this manner, therefore pray our father in heaven, hallowed, be your name, your kingdom, come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You know, Renee, I'm thinking that in heaven, there's no sickness, right? So God wants to bring his well, right? His will, as it is in heaven onto the earth. And part of that well is for the healing of our physical bodies. Uh, he is healer. And again, we go to the scriptures, you know, when the tumor ruptured and then the natural doctor was saying, and she was an OB GYN surgeon and well-respected in the community, you know, was concerned. The pathology report came back that some of the, uh, cancer cells around the wall of the tumor that was removed and, you know, they were considering chemotherapy, etc. You know, my prayer was Lord can chemos, not, not in my job description here appealing, but, but father, I leave it to your will not buy well, but yeah, yours be done. And Renee, you, and I know this story because you were with me. He led me a different path for my physical healing because I knew Jesus was healer. But what I did intentionally every morning and every night was dig into the scriptures. I rehearsed the scriptures. I confess the scriptures morning and night because I know the, I know the pattern, right? We talk about the Bible is the book of principle and patterns. So I understand the faith comes by hearing and I wanted to keep my faith, uh, live and full to receive the manifested blessing of healing in my body. And I didn't want to get caught up with the technicalities of what was going on. So I allowed the doctors to do their thing, but I was steadfast in intentional in the word and being led by the holy spirit, in doing the will of God for myself. So in the end, he led me to a homeopathic clinic, uh, institution, a health and wellness institution, so that I could learn about how better to take care of my body and my healing came about. And it was such a beautiful experience because I was one of those disciples or one of those in the new Testament, um, that experienced the hand of the healer. You know, they experienced his healing hand Rene firsthand because he was in the flesh. But you and I have been able to experience God's hand of healing, uh, now in the natural, uh, through the holy spirit that resides in us that beautiful.
Speaker 1:So, so beautiful. I love to said that you brought up what I call that basic prayer, the, our father. So, so many listening. I'm sure know that. I remember as a little girl kneeling in, by my bedside with my dad, you know, learning that prayer and saying that prayer. So if you don't know what to pray, as it says in Matthew, pray this way, our father who aren't art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. So go through that, that'll be everyone's homework. I think Theresa to go through that prayer and really understand why it was written in the, in Matthew, the way that it was because every piece of our prayer life is articulated in that little summation, meaning we give glory to God, we ask for forgiveness. We ask, you know, to forgive those who have trespassed against us and, and go through just that prayer, breaking it down in terms that we know today, I know I rehearsed it and I, you know, recite it very, you know, roundly. But if I dwell on those words, if I meditate on what I'm saying, I realize how powerful and how beautifully summed up that prayer alone is. So it's one way to get started. So I love that you brought that up Teresa, and of course the whole idea of how we are directed. And I encourage us all to get grounded now in the word and understanding how to get the will of God in your life. Start now, start before anything big is going on and then you're equipped, right? Then you're equipped with the word of God to deal with anything that comes our way. Teresa,
Speaker 3:That's a great point, Renee. You know, we mentioned it last week, but I think it bears repeating, you know, the, one of the cornerstones of how our faith comes to be for healing is found in Isaiah 53, verses four to five. You know, it really bears repeating. I'm going to read it out loud. It's a surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet. We esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon him. And by his stripes, we are healed. Um, you know, that the healing that the Bible is talking about in Isaiah 53 is healing for our physical bodies. And some might say, well, Theresa, how do you know that it doesn't that healing talk about spiritual healing? Well, God defines that in Matthew chapter eight, verses 14 through 17. And it says when Jesus had come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother lying, sick with a fever. So he touched her hand and the fever left her. Wow. And she arose in, serve them. When evening had come, they brought to him many who were demon possessed. And he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying he himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. I love that. God will. Self-define his word. If you will, by cross-referencing and saying, Nope, no matter how the scriptures are interpreted, I want to show you that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I am the healer for your physical bodies, man. Amazing. I love that in the word of God.
Speaker 1:I agreed Theresa. That's so powerful. And we talked so much about your faith and I love the first I've ever heard the washing machine, uh, example, by the way, which is awesome. You dial in your faith, like you dial the strength of the wash load. You need that. Uh, I'm wondering if they're laughing or thinking we're crazy on this podcast, but it really is so true. And so it was your faith tree saw that made you well. And I bet that reminds you of somebody else in the word of God.
Speaker 3:Oh my goodness. It sure does. One of my favorite stories of God healing, uh, is the woman with the issue of blood. And I believe it's found in three out of the four gospels, meaning three out of the Matthew, mark, Luke, and John, which are such beautiful recordings of all that Jesus did and say, well, not everything, but it captures many of the things Jesus did and said so that, uh, we know who he is, right? This woman, right? Renee, are you ready? And mark chapter five verses 25 to 34. Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. Or this should really give hope to some of our listeners who perhaps perhaps have been plagued with a chronic disease. Right? When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for, she said, if only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made. Well now look at the principle of faith operating here. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word, right? She heard about Jesus. She heard about he was healer. And she meditated on that. And she, so meditation in the Bible really means to mutter out loud. So she was activating the safe principle, right? That in there, she was a woman, she was bleeding. She had no business in that day to be out and about, right? So that's continue for, she said, if only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made well immediately. Right? She touched the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed up the affliction in Jesus immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him, turned around in the crowd and said, who touched my clothes? But his disciples said to him, you see the multitude thronging, you, and you say, who touched me? And he looked around to see her who had done this thing, but the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. And he said to her daughter, your faith has made you well going peace and be healed of your affliction. Isn't that beautiful. Her faith was the conduit that reached up and touch. The hem of the healer and healing came from him. He loves faith. That's what faith does, Renee in all areas of life. It brings the blessings of his redemptive work. So once we understand the will of God from the word of God, and we see that he's healer, he's provider, boy, he's everything. Right? Um, once we see that, then we go to work. If you will. And of course, you know, we're not saved by our works. Everything we receive from God is by grace through faith, right? So once we see who, who got his and that he wants to bring about healing in our life, we can then confess the scriptures. We can then believe in the scriptures, in look to him to bring about the end result. I never put out in a box and say, I want it tomorrow by 3:00 PM. I say, Lauren, I know you provided for it 2000 years ago, by the stripes, uh, the striping on your back, the whipping that you took when that blood was shed, it provided healing. It provided salvation forgiveness of sins. I know you're going to bring about the victory in my flesh father, I ask you for healing, which is the children's bread. The Bible says, and then I watch God do what only he can do, bring about it. And he does it in the most marvelous of ways so that we're built in grounded in the truth so we can help others. And so we can mature as the Bible talks
Speaker 1:About. So beautiful and Theresa, what this podcast is all about, which is growing the relationship with God so that we can grow our faith. And by now many listeners know our foundational scripture, which is all about that. What is it Tracy?
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Renee Romans 10, 17. So then faith comes by here hearing
Speaker 2:And hearing by the word of God. Thanks for listening. We love that. You're listening to this podcast to help grow your faith in order to do that, we've included the scriptures that we talked about today. And on every episode in the show notes, the show notes are found on your favorite platform, wherever you're listening to this, look for the details button, scroll down, and you'll find the show notes that you can print out or review whenever you'd like. Also, we'd love for you to subscribe to this channel rate and review it. And we'll send you a well-versed woman journal where you can actually write these things down there in a physical journal, which I totally recommend. And last but not least, we do have a community you can ask to join the well-versed woman, Facebook community, and we'll approve you and put you in there. We look forward to talking to you next week until then bye-bye we love you. Bye now.