Well Versed Woman
Well Versed Woman
How To Pray For Healing
Years ago I opened a wellness center hoping I could teach others what I learned about disease prevention! As much as we can learn and embrace, there is still sickness and disease all around us. Knowing that Great Healer and how to pray is KEY. In this episode co-hosts Renée and Theresa reveal exactly how to use prayer for healing.
In 1999, I opened a wellness center with one of my sisters. And in that year I remember the statistics so vividly that they thought by the year 2021 in two of us would be diagnosed with some kind of cancer. Oh my gosh. That was the impetus for the wellness center to make sure people could know how to prevent that before it ever happened. While we're not going to talk about that today, but we are going to talk about the great healer and the power of prayer in healing. So you want to stay tuned if you or someone you love needs healing today. Welcome to episode 58 of the well-versed woman podcast. I'm Renee teller
Speaker 2:And I'm Theresa. Morgan is Renee and I are two perfectly imperfect women who just loves to come to you week after week to share our stories of faith and our life journeys with you. What
Speaker 1:We love to share is the relationship that we've developed with a great all powerful God and boy do we need all that power when it comes to healing, but we also know that you need to connect. You actually need to plug into that power source, just like our devices today. And we do that by being very still, we start every episode by closing our eyes for 20 seconds and inviting God to be with us in this very moment. So that while you're listening, he is opening your ears to hear your eyes, to see and your heart, to know in your deepest knower that he's with us right now. So get yourself ready, take some slow deep breaths. And those 20 seconds are going to start right now.[inaudible] That's it. That is 20 little seconds. And I encourage you to grow that as that stillness and quiet time sitting with God grows. So does your relationship just like spending more and more time with a dear friend and speaking to dear friends, Theresa and I have known each other nearly 50 years and we have been through some journeys on healing. It has been our own or with people that we love healing is such an important part of our, of our walk on planet earth. Inevitably, we all get sick at some point, even if it's the common cold. And I have learned Theresa to pray for every little thing, every sniffle, every big thing. I turn to God to heal everything in my life.
Speaker 2:Absolutely Renee. You know, I think about the journeys that you and I have taken together praying for our healings when we've needed healing in our physical body and watching God time after time come through and with the truth of his word, he undergirds what we're going through. And before you know it, his healing power came into our bodies time and time again, as we trusted him. And as we traveled the road to healing, you know, one of my favorite scriptures, Renee Psalm 1 0 3 verses one to three, and the Bible says, bless the Lord. Oh my soul. And all that is within me. Bless his holy name, bless the Lord. Oh my soul. And forget not all his benefits who forgives your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. Isn't that beautiful. We can see in the last stanza here, he forgives inequities. He heals disease in our bodies. Wow. You cannot separate salvation and eternal life from his healing attribute that occurred when he died on the cross. We Dem shin is a complete package that includes forgiveness of sin. And it also includes healing for our natural bodies. Renee, I'm getting like a little girl giggling because the joy that bubbles up in my heart, not only from reading that word, but Renee thinking about how you were healed of the kidney situation, the tumor in your body and how I was healed from the tumor that ruptured at my ovary many years ago in you. And I traveled that together with the Lord.
Speaker 1:That's right with the Lord. It's so important. And I hope that you tune in and share this episode because there's so much like Theresa just said that we do by coming alongside each other, by listening to other testimony of people who have gone through it, you know, I'm going through a parathyroid situation right now in my body. And I've known of it for some years. I am just walking with God, waiting for the wisdom that he would impart on what and how it should be healed. So when we talk about healing, we're not talking about magic. We're talking about the fact that God in his word says that he will heal us and we have to trust that. And it comes in many different ways, but we have to start here. We have to start with prayer and faith and trust Theresa,
Speaker 2:Absolutely Renee. And you know, I'm looking right now at James, the book of James chapter five or 16, and I'm seeing something Renee that I've never seen before. I think the holy spirit has given me revelation. James five 16 says confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that you might be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. So again, we see that confess your trespasses. What is that? That is just saying, Hey, I miss the mark. I send here and now let's pray for healing so that I don't have anything in my conscience that may come up in block my communication with God on my end so that I'm not feeling inadequate, that I can say, okay, Renee, I missed it here today. Now let's pray for healing. Again, a demonstration that you cannot separate forgiveness of sin and healing. They came in one redemptive package when Jesus died on that cross. And so then he goes into and says, pray for one another, that you may be healed. So boy, Renee, do we have testimony of you? And I praying time after time, again for healing in our bodies. And I love what you said, that we don't put God in a box when we need healing. We look to the word of God. We pray in conjunction with the, the leading of the holy spirit. And we say, father, we know you are healer. And we know we're more than a conqueror through you. Who love us. You always give us the victory. So we know that the blessing is ahead of us. The blessing of healing for our body is ahead of us. Now, Lord, let's travel the road together and show me how you want to bring about healing in my body. Do you want someone to lay hands on me and I'll be healed that way? Do you want me to go through the natural medicine of doctors? You've given me unkind natural remedy. You've given man a pharmaceuticals. You've given me on natural therapies, but Lord, how do you want to bring about healing? I know it's mine in the name of Jesus, and I'm going to travel this road confidently with you,
Speaker 1:Such a great summary, Theresa almost. And you know, I love the other part of that. James five 16 scripture that it says the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. So what does fervent mean? Well, if you look it up in Webster's, you know, I love my dictionary. It says exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling in other words, zealous. So when we talk and Theresa mentions that we prayed, we prayed every single morning when I had a major health crisis in my life every morning, I would say that's pretty fervent. And then at night I have one of my sisters that would pray with me. So I was book-ending my day with prayer because you know, this particular diagnosis had rocked my world pretty well. And I had to reach out. And as Theresa saying, I had surgery, I had the tumor removed from my kidney. So the important thing here is the, the prayer idea and reaching out to God fervently. And we have a lot of episodes on prayer. And why is it that God works that way? And why does he want prayer? And why is it important? Go back and search for some of those episodes on why prayer, you know, just simply it's the way that we can communicate with the spirit world, where God lives in that spirit realm, through the holy spirit. And it's his wanting us to ask him his being respectful of the fact that he is not going to force himself upon us. He's going to wait till we ask. And last but not least, I love to use the analogy of our children and how we love for them to come. Especially if you have adult children, you know, you get to the point where you can't force your wisdom that you've gained from years of living on earth. You can't force that on your children. You have to wait to be asked. If you're being respectful as an appear, a parent of an adult, God is the same way we have to come to him and ask him respectfully and honorably, all those things Theresa. And we have to do it fervently. And he answers those prayers and he respects and loves, just loves, loves, loves that we come running.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. And through the daily prayers, boy, we're, we're praying scripture. We're saying, Lord, you are healer. Lord. I am the healed of the Lord father. I thank you. You heal all my diseases, father. I thank you by your stripes. I have been healed father. I thank you. Your body, your word says, lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I thank you. When I was with Theresa, she physically later hands on me and we prayed. So what that is doing, it's building faith. It's putting faith in the container of our heart to bubble over, to carry us through this road, in this journey until the healing manifest in our body. And I in God loves faith, right? I mean this podcast, Renee, as we know, it's all about faith. And where does faith come from? Our anchor scripture, right? Faith comes by hearing in hearing the word of God. There's so many stories in the Bible about God healing in about the faith of the individuals in the Bible that were healed. Um, I just love the one in mark. Uh, the second chapter where Jesus was preaching and Capernaum Renee. Oh my goodness. And the Bible says in mark chapter two, verse two, immediately many gathered together so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. So people heard about Jesus. They wondered they wanted to see him touch him themselves. So they gathered in this house. There were so many, no one, no one more. Now not one body could fit Renee in this house. And he preached the word to them to see that again, the word came from the master himself and the Bible says they came to him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. Can you relate? This reminds me of you and I right where we're two women. But boy, I feel like I was carrying you on a stretcher and you were you've carried me. Well, let's read our story in one, they could not come near him because of the crowd. They uncovered the roof where he was. Could you imagine individuals going on the roof of your beautiful home and uncovering of course today, the materials are different, right? And I guess someone would need a jackhammer, but back then they could uncover the roof. Here we go. Continuing in verse four. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was when she's Assad their faith. Let's not miss this. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic son, your sins are forgiven you. Here we go again. Right? Redemption of sin, forgiveness of sin, healing of the body in some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts. Why does this man speak? Blasphemies like this. Who can forgive sins? But God, of course, Jesus is God, but watch this. But immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they rezoned the us, he said to them, why do you reason about these things in your heart? Which is easier to say to the paralytic, your sins are forgiven you or to say arise, take your bed and walk. But that you may know that the son of man has power on earth to forgive sins. He said to the paralytic, I say to you arise, take up your bed and go to your house. Immediately, hear your rose, took up the bed and went out in the presence of them so that they were all amazed and glorified. God saying we never saw anything like this. Isn't that amazing. We see that people heard the word. We see faith arising. And in hearts we see friends helping another friend. We see God saying, I am the one who forgives sins. And in the work that I will do, healing is in my atoning work. And that man was freed from his, uh, condition of being a paramedic. That beautiful Jesus frees us from our all Rene, all of our paralytic situations. Be it a paralysis of legs, be a paralysis of the heart. Be a paralysis of the mind. God is the mirror. Coworker always was in wants to bring those miracles in our lives today. That beautiful. Oh, so
Speaker 1:Beautiful. Teresa. And I think about what you're talking about, where he said, you know, your sins are forgiven. And the redemption that you're talking about, why is that? The reason is because we cannot connect with an all perfect all-knowing God. When we are in our humanness sinful, by our nature, the Bible says that means that we're fallible. Only one is infallible. And, and that is God, that is Jesus. So he needs to first heal the sin in our life, Teresa, right? He needs to first heal that sin it, we even talk about when we come before him to pray, we ask and we remind ourselves like, forgive me, Lord for the, the times that I missed you today. I miss him every single day. Meaning I miss step every single day. I, I I'm human. So we do. And the important thing is that we remember that when we're coming to be in his presence, when we're coming to commune with this beautiful God, we just ask him, you know, forgive me, forgive me, help me grow from whatever experience I missed, stepped on and helped me to become more like you. But forgive me and allow me to enter into this relationship with you and this prayer time with you that allows the healing to come through, right? Theresa.
Speaker 2:That's exactly correct. And I love that God demonstrates himself in the earth today to those of us that love him. He demonstrates himself. The Bible says he's good to all right, the sun rises, uh, and uh, on all the rain nourishes crops for all. But especially for those that know him, that walk with him who have received eternal life through the forgiveness of our sins and through the born again, experience, he is personally our good physician. He is our healer, and I think it would do us great Renee to look at a couple more scriptures. So in first Peter chapter two, verse 24, again, the Bible says who himself, capital H meaning Jesus. He bore our sins in his own body, on the tree. Meaning on the cross that we haven't died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed. Again, we see that because he shed his blood on the cross and rose again, that in that redemptive work, when we come to him, healing is ours. It was already bought for back. When he died on the cross, Isaiah 53, the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verses four to five Renee, surely he has borne our griefs carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted, but he was wounded Renee for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes talking about the whipping, oh, the cap nine tails. The whipping that he took on his back when his flesh was torn to pieces in the blood dripped in that was healing for our natural bodies. Isn't that a beautiful, beautiful truth. It brings me to tears then
Speaker 1:Me too Treyson. That's why those of us that have this relationship that we're encouraging you to build. That's exactly why CISA says it brings us to tears because we understand that these beautiful gifts that we talk about week after week, these benefits, you know, the first scripture we read, forget not all his benefits, the benefits we have are because of what he did. And when we think about how he suffered, so God became man and suffered in the flash. So he understands our suffering. When we're sick, when we need healing, he was beaten by his stripes, the stripes that were caused when he was wept on his body bleeding, it does bring us to tears, Teresa, but we are grateful and we honor him and we just give him glory. I love that part of the, the healing prayer tree. So the ability to give him glory for just, just like we're talking about today for the healing that we've gone through. But yes, the longer you walk and develop this relationship and you understand the price that was paid so that we can have this benefit. It, I feel the same tree said, you can't express enough. The gratitude we have to God for all he's done.
Speaker 2:So, so very true in a, you know, it's, if you, uh, you know, maybe in our vernacular today, you know, his deaths brought about a complete package, it's a complete package. Uh, so that is John 10, 10 says, right? The CIF comes to steal, kill and destroy. But Jesus came that we may have life inhabit in abundance. So Jesus came so that when we're sick, we can be healed when we need protection, he's there and gives his angels charge. If we need a deliverance, he brings us a deliverance. Of course, you know, all mankind need forgiveness of sins. He took care of that. He took care of the financial problem. When we need sustenance, financial sustenance, what he did on the cross. He took separation from God, Renee for a moment in time, God, the father turned his back and Jesus said, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Right? The separation that occurred when sin happened, Jesus even took that in then was the bridge to bring us back to his father when he rose again and presented his blood on the mercy seat in heaven. It's amazing. It's amazing when we understand the facts of the Bible and all of the benefits that we do have, and we learn about these benefits line upon line precept upon precept, God begins to teach us. We've talked about, uh, getting into a good church so that we're taught on a weekly basis. And boy, Renee aren't. We blessed with the technology that is available today. I'm streaming in services of favorite pastors from across the country. I'm enjoying, uh, you know, messages. I can pop in praise and worship on from YouTube apps. All of this is absolutely free and that's what keeps my faith engaged, active, and alive. So that when a friend, um, I had a dear dear friend come down with kidney cancer. I was just telling Renee before, uh, we started recording today and she loves the Lord. And of course it's earth shattering to her. But through the tears, we were able to pray. We were able to give this to the Lord and that provides hope, right? Hope. Uh, her faith has tethered on the hope and the scriptures. And so my friend, Joyce and I were going to travel this journey with her Renee until we see the complete healing of the kidney cancer in her body. That's what we do for one another.
Speaker 1:So true. And I think Theresa, I love the mark 16, 17 to 18 scripture that probably sums up today. You know, where we are and what we've talked about it says, and these signs will follow those who believe emphasis on those who believe it says in my name, they will cast out demons. They will speak with new tongues. They will take up serpents. And if they drink anything deadly, it will, by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. So that's what you're doing with your friend. We're reciting these scriptures. I'm sure you're taking them through, like you did with me tabbing, you know, my favorite posted note, every scripture that speaks to healing that we recite over and over. We've talked about the power of words in past podcasts, but that is the sum of today's episode, Theresa so beautiful. They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. And these signs will follow those who believe. So we trust that you're enjoying these podcasts and you're coming to a closer and closer relationship and believing more and more on this word, right? Chaser,
Speaker 2:Absolutely. In Renee. You know, I didn't tell you, as we were ministering to my dear friend, a double rainbow appeared in the sky, a double beautiful rainbow. So, um, absolutely Renee, absolutely. We move forward and face and we don't let go until we see the hand of God move in our life. And he who promised the Bible says Hebrews 10 23, Renee, the Bible says, hold fast. Your confession of faith for he who promised is faithful. And you, and I can say a Hardy, amen to that, um,
Speaker 1:And speak in a faith tracer. What is the scripture that our listeners who have been with us over a year surely have memorized by now?
Speaker 2:Absolutely Renee Romans 10, 17. Faith comes by hearing
Speaker 1:And hearing by the word of God, thanks for listening today. And we hope that this was helpful. We also would love for you to download the show notes there attached to every podcast platforms, episode, and it's the scripture. Our notes are about the scripture that we talked so much about today, needing on the healing scriptures that you can recite. If you have a need for healing in your life. We also talked about community. Join our Facebook well-versed woman by searching for well-versed woman. And we'll approve you to join and last but not least, make sure you subscribe to this channel. We'd love to stay connected. We'd love for you to receive the episodes, kind of automatically rate and review it. And we'll send you a well-versed woman journal right in the mail until next week. We love you. We love you. Bye now.