Well Versed Woman
Well Versed Woman
A Season Of New Beginnings
How is life sustained? How does a new embryo thrive and grow? Though the blood is transferred from the mom to the baby. Throughout our lives, the health of our blood reveals the health of our own life. Co-hosts Theresa and Renée discuss the importance of this and how it relates to what Easter is all about... A season of new beginnings! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year once you understand this truth!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year. What does that conjure up in your mind?<laugh> probably not Easter, but Easter really is the most wonderful time of the year for so many reasons. And although we love Christmas, the greatest gift, the greatest sacrifice was given at Easter. You're gonna wanna stay tuned and hear about the true meaning of this special time of year. Welcome to this special Easter episode of the well woman podcast. I'm Renee teller and I'm Theresa Morgan. You see Renee and I are two perfectly imperfect women. We love to share the relationship we have with Jesus Christ and how he has transformed our lives. Yeah, exactly. This is a podcast about relationship, not about religion. It's a podcast about relationship with our creator, this big God that we've come to know and love so deeply. But before we get started, we begin every episode, the same way we have to plug into that creator in order to get the wisdom and the download just like with our technology. And we do that by being very, still for 20 seconds, we close our eyes. We take some slow, deep breaths and actually ask God to come and be with you, ask him to come and open your ears, to hear your eyes, to see and your heart to feel exactly what he wants for you today. It's that easy. So let's get started right now. Those 20 seconds start now. That's it. That's 20 seconds and I am so excited to be back here with there today. We resumed our podcast last week with just a little welcome back video, uh, go back and listen to that if you'd like, but we are talking about what has become for me. I know for Theresa the most one wonderful celebration of our faith of our Christianity and it is the Easter season, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus after he walked on the earth and Teresa, I remember one of my most difficult questions when I was beginning to learn about God and develop this relationship with him is why if you are so knowing and powerful, why was the method to cover our sins, so to speak? Why did you choose having to kill your son in order to do that? Why did you come up with something that seemed a lot less painful because Theresa you and I both have sons, we can't imagine. And I'm people listening, you know, allowing the, their son to be sacrificed for a whole world of people. We, we can't imagine doing that. Mm-hmm<affirmative>, you know, yeah, absolutely. Renee. I had the same question and I think God Beck ins eyes us with that quite, you know, just why. And when we understand from the word of God, why it makes sense before I go into the word of God, just as human beings, we all carry blood. And we all bleed red and in their blood is the life sustenance without blood running through our body. We could not live Renee in the blood. We have the white blood cells, the red blood cells. We have everything we need to sustain life. And in it, it's their blood that circulates bringing our organs, our in our brain and our heart and all of those be organs in our body that work daily minute by minute to sustain life. And so true when we go to the Bible and we see, for instance, in the book of Hebrews chapter nine, verse 22, it says, in fact, under the law, almost everything is cleansed with blood. And without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, neither released from sin in its guilt, nor cancellation of the merited punishment. That's the amplified Bible. So we can see without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin God in his universe, in the law of spirituality, there is a law that things are cleansed by blood. We can go back to the book of Genesis Renee. And we see when Adam and Eve sinned, what did, what was the first thing that God did? He killed an animal. And he covered them with, with the, with the skins of the, but blood was shed. If we go through the old Testament, we see the same theme. We see that the people, the Israelite people constantly having to kill the Ram and the bull and the goat. And they were sacrifices that it was, again, it was shedding of blood to cover sin. But when Christ came, this is the beauty of our savior. He didn't just cover sin. Renee. He became sin. Second Corinthians chapter five, verse 21 says he who knew no sin became sin. That we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. So he didn't just cover sin. He became sin so that when we put our faith in his, his work on the cross us, we become righteous in our spirit. And that is the born again experience. So his coming to earth, his dying on the cross, his shedding of blood was for us in our sins. And we get total forgiveness in a total immersion into that sacrifice. When we put faith in his work, in his atoning work on the cross, it's the greatest exchange that ever takes place in the human life, Renee. So true. And this law that you talk about, Theresa, that it, it became my law. I began to see as I studied and got closer to God and asked him for wisdom to help me see that he has a lot of laws. So this one is, you know, for me, maybe the most painful, but there's other laws that I don't, I don't understand how he made them necessarily, but like just take gravity. Like if I just look at the law of gravity that he put in place, that scientists was at Newton, decided to figure out that there are these law in our universe that exists that God put in place to keep order in our universe. So if we didn't have gravity, we'd have chaos, right? We'd have outer space and everything would be running and bumping into each other. So I understand that. And as I'd be begin to study, even the natural laws that were there, when God created the planet, the, the earth, the, the universe, then I can understand that he also created this law as it relates to the relationship that he has with us and how we interact with them again, because without those we'd be in chaos as humans, we would not have any order to our life. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. Yeah, that's so true, Renee. Um, there are, there are natural laws that we follow traffic lights and speed limits. And, um, then, then there are spiritual laws. You know, I'm thinking Renee of Genesis 8, 22, God says, as long as the earth remains, there shall be sea time and harvest. So, you know, sewing and reaping there's, there's the law of sewing and reaping. There are so many laws, but you know, the one that we are focusing on today is, is the law that felt the shedding of blood. There was no remission of sin. Um, God came to the earth. There was not one qualified even to be a spotless lamb of God, if you will. We, all the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of his glory. So Christ himself, God himself came in. Carnet in the flesh as the spotless lamb of God, qualifying to take sin on. And boy, when we talk about God's love for us, he did this willingly. He accepted this punishment of the cross on our behalf. He had never sinned it. It qualified him to be the spotless lamb to take our sin and what a beautiful sacrifice that is. And it shows the depth of his love for us. And when we hear this good news that we can be reunited to God when we hear the gospel and we put our faith in it, then we are born anew. The newness of life, and our spirits are recreated. The holy spirit comes into our life, into our spirits, to live with us and to rule and to reign as we allow him. And it's beautiful because our free will is kept intact. And we are transformed situation by situation, through his power, through his love. And we become all that he has created us to become. Hmm. It just reminds me when people often ask us why, you know, why is Easter so special? Can you imagine a relationship with this God? And then trying to comprehend that this God would send his son would, would take on flesh in the form of Jesus and then sacrifice him. For me, Teresa knew there's a song. It reminds me of, of that. We sing that just breaks me up every time, you know, oh my king, how can it be that thou my Lord would die for me. And when you think about the relationships that you have in your life, and even just think about service men, I know that that really touches so many of us, the men and women that go fight for our country, that they would lay down their life potentially for this, for our freedom, so that we can be free. I have a lot of family members that have served and I'm in awe of them. And I'm in awe of those servicemen. But to have our God, our king, my creator, my all in, all my, everything, you know, send his son to die for me. That is exactly why this season is so impactful. So powerful that we celebrate the beautiful part of it. Therea, which is the transition from death to life. The fact that we know that you, yes, he was crucified. And you know, when we, when we think about those scriptures and we read them, it pains us. And then on the third day on Easter, he rose again. And, and we just, just as if you had a, a child that was sick or declared, declared dead, and he rose again, we're hearing these things that happen in the, or, but can you imagine the elation of a parent if that happened? So it's the same for us on Easter? Isn't it Theresa? Oh, it, it sure is in, it is amazing. Renee, you know, John chapter four verse 19 says that we love because he first loved us. So he looked down, he saw humanity in trouble. We were tr in trouble in our sin. And so he said, I am going to bear the cross. I am going to bear their punishment. And so he did just that, but it's not just his death and burial. It's his resurrection. It is that when he was raised to newness of life, Renee, and is now as the Bible says that Hebrew seated at the right hand of the father, making intercession for us, he like, like Christ. We, when we put our faith in his work, we also have an assuredness that we also will be raised to newness of life. After this life on this earth is over for us. Let's look at a few, let's look at a few scriptures. Renee, of course, you know, John three 16 and 17 is such an anchor verse for Christians for God. So loved the world. He gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life for God, did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. Bet that the world through him might be saved. So we can see God's entire plan of salvation in that scripture. But let's move on and talk about the resurrection Renee in the book of Romans chapter six versus three to nine Paul. So succinctly writes about what happens in the resurrection. He says, and I'm reading in the amplified Bible. He says, are you ignorant of the fact that all of us who have been back ties into Christ Jesus we're baptized into his death. We have therefore been buried with him through baptism into death. So that justice Christ was raised from the dead, through the glory and power of the father. We too might walk habitually in newness of life, a, our old ways for if we have become one with him permanently United in the likeness of it, his, his death, we will also certainly be with one with him and share fully in the likeness of his resurrection. Isn't that beautiful? It's an assure that we have that when this life is over the, the spirit of man who we truly are, that we talked about last week will be reunited with him. Um, here this life, when it is over, we will likewise Renee resurrect to God. The Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. His victory has become our victory through faith in Christ Jesus. Mm. And I'm gonna read the rest of that same scripture, Theresa, because it's so beautiful. This is the be beautiful message that no matter what we've done, no matter what our past sins or whatever past we, we shame ourselves for that all goes away because of what God says. So the rest of this, again, Theresa was reading Roman six versus three. We know that our old self, our human nature without the holy spirit was nailed to the cross with him, with Jesus in order that our body of sin might be done away with so that we no longer our slaves to sin. That doesn't mean we don't sin. We cont we continue in our humanness, but we are not slaves to sin. We are not bound by it because we believe in Jesus and his forgiveness for the person who has died with Christ has been freed from the power of sin. Again, doesn't mean we don't go on making mistakes and Christians think they're infallible. No, we're freed from the power of sin. Sin is very powerful. It can cause non-believer right. It can cause eternal death without resurrection. Now, if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live together with him because we know the self-evident truth that Christ having been raised from the dead will never die. Again, death no longer has power over him. So it will be the same for us. Death will no longer have power over us. And that is why Teresa, this is the most wonderful time of the year because the messages that we are forgiven, that all those crazy things I did between birth and this point in my life have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. The word of God says, so it doesn't mean ladies and gentlemen, that we don't have to repent that we're not repentive. We're not sorry for we are, but we don't have, have to be bound by them. We don't have to beat ourselves up over and over and over and shame ourselves and feel condemned because God did this for us. And again, it's why we, you know, why I cry all through Easter service at the remembrance of what God did for me, for just me. And he would do it for just one mm-hmm<affirmative> so, so, so beautiful Renee. So true. You know, when we talk about that,<laugh> sin no longer reigns over us. You know, the, the, the truth of scripture that says in first IANS three 16, do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? So we don't have to bend our need to sin anymore. Cause God, the holy spirit, when, when we're a believer in Christ, when we've invited him into our life and our born again, the holy spirit now lives in us to give us the strength, the ingenuity in everything we need so that we are no longer slaves of sin and the perfect righteousness that is in our spirit can live and conquer sin. I just love that the sting of death has been conquered, that we know that when this life ceases here on earth, we will be with Christ because his victory became our victory. I love what Colosians the book of Colosians chapter two versus 12 and 13 says, and again, having been buried with him in baptism raised with him to a new life, through our faith, in the working of God as displayed, when he raised Christ from the dead, when you are dead in your sins, in the, in, in the uncircumcision of your flesh worlds manner of life, God made you alive together with Christ. Having freely, given us all given for our sins. So Christ was given on our behalf so that we can walk in the newness of life here on earth and fulfill the mission that he's given us. And then also in the next life with him, we get to, to rule and reign with Christ, Renee, it's Beau, it's Beau. It's a beautiful truth. Mm. Um, that I live by day every day. Mm. We get to be with him in the kingdom. And, and I think next week, Theresa, we'll talk about the kingdom and our rightful, he as children of the king. So come full circle from this moment, this crisis of belief where you begin to say, I'm all in for God. I'm all in. I don't have all the answers. You may be just in the beginning of your relationship with God, but you're gonna just, you, you're gonna just jump off the diving board, Teresa and I, we did a lot of that as kids. Um, just jump off the diving board, get in the water and he will help you swim and he will, or all your questions, but take that step of faith. Take that, jump off the diving board, because you'll see when we talk next week about what you've stepped into, you've stepped into the kingdom and you with us will be HES in the kingdom of God. It is nothing better. Therea, nothing better. How Renee, that is so true. And I'm going to give, uh, our listeners just a glimpse for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost. So if IFE and peace and joy in God sounds great to you. You won't wanna miss next week.<laugh> well, Theresa, as we tell all our listeners always, we're all about the word of God, because that is where truth comes from. And in this confusing chaotic world, it's nice to have some truth. And we founded this podcast on one particular scripture, Teresa, absolutely. Renee Romans 10, 17. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We'll see you next week.
Speaker 2:Bye now,
Speaker 1:Oh, thank you for listening. We love that you're here and that you are back with us. Remember we have a Facebook group that you can join and we're gonna be in there doing some more live videos and conversing a lot more. So you wanna jump in, just search Facebook for the well versed woman group, ask to join and will approve you to get in there. We also have the show notes from this episode, click on details on your favorite platform and scroll down and you'll see the notes. You can print them or review the word of God that we discussed in this very episode. And last but not least, if you rate and review this, and if you did it during our first season and we're, you're coming back to season two, go ahead and rate and review it again because we'd love to hear from you and maybe your well versed woman journal is full. We'll send you another one. So until next week we love you.
Speaker 2:Bye now.